Social Stratification

Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective


By David B. Grusky

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Trade Paperback


Trade Paperback $92.00

With income inequality on the rise and the ongoing economic downturn, the causes, consequences, and politics of inequality are undergoing a fundamental transformation. Updated and highly accessible, the fourth edition of Social Stratification provides refreshing take on existing theories, incorporates the latest data, and lends new perspectives to classic debates.

The fourth edition includes fifty new or updated readings and a new streamlined organization that allows the evolution of stratification scholarship to unfold in a systematic fashion. The new readings cover the latest research on economic inequality, including the social construction of racial categories, the new immigrant economy, new forms of segregation and neighborhood inequality, the uneven and stalled gender revolution, the role of new educational forms and institutions in generating both equality and inequality, and the extent of anti-gay discrimination in the labor market.

The result is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and methodologically diverse text appropriate for sophisticated undergraduate and graduate courses on poverty, inequality, social stratification, social problems, the labor market, social class, social mobility, and race and ethnicity.

On Sale
Jan 28, 2014
Page Count
1200 pages
Avalon Publishing

David B. Grusky

About the Author

David B. Grusky is Barbara Kimball Browning Professor in the Humanities and Sciences, professor of sociology at Stanford University, and director of the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality. His recent books include Occupy the Future, The New Gilded Age, The Great Recession, The Inequality Reader, Social Stratification, The Inequality Puzzle, The Declining Significance of Gender?, and Occupational Ghettos.

Jasmine Hill is a Ph.D. student at Stanford University with interests in African American identity, race relations, social mobility, and the sociology of the family.

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