Society and the Environment

Pragmatic Solutions to Ecological Issues


By Michael Carolan

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  1. Trade Paperback $68.00
  2. ebook $43.99

Society and the Environment examines today's environmental controversies within a socio-organizational context. After outlining the contours of “pragmatic environmentalism,” Carolan considers the pressures that exist where ecology and society collide, such as population growth and its associated increased demands for food and energy. He also investigates how various ecological issues, such as climate change, are affecting our very own personal health. Finally, he drills into the social/structural dynamics—including political economy and the international legal system—that create ongoing momentum for environmental ills.

This interdisciplinary text features a three-part structure in each chapter that covers “fast facts” about the issue at hand, examines its wide-ranging implications, and offers balanced consideration of possible real-world solutions. New to this edition are “Movement Matters” boxes, which showcase grassroots movements that have affected legislation. Discussion questions and key terms enhance the text's usefulness, making Society and the Environment the perfect learning tool for courses on environmental sociology.


On Sale
Aug 2, 2016
Page Count
364 pages
Avalon Publishing

Michael Carolan

About the Author

Michael Carolan is a Faculty Affiliate of the School of Global Environmental Sustainability, member of the Executive Board of the One Health Institute, Professor of Sociology, Chair of the Sociology Department, and Associate Dean for Research at Colorado State University, where he teaches courses in environmental sociology, the sociology of food and agriculture, and social theory. His books include The Real Cost of Cheap Food (Earthscan/Routledge), Reclaiming Food Security (Earthscan/Routledge) and Cheaponomics (Earthscan/Routledge), in addition to publishing over 100 peer-reviewed articles.

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